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Shandong Xinshili Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd

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In order to better play the role of export support, help enterprises in Mount Taishan District accurately "go out", expand the market, grasp orders, stabilize share, and diversify their international market, on the afternoon of December 18, Mount Taishan Council for the Promotion of International Trade organized 51 key enterprises in the region to hold the 2024 Mount Taishan District Overseas Hundred Exhibition Market Development Plan and Key Overseas Exhibition Mobilization Meeting. Hou Boling, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice president of CCPIT Mount Taishan Council, Ni Derun, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice mayor of Taishan District Government, comrades in charge of the division of labor in the streets (towns, townships, districts) of Mount Taishan District, Mount Taishan Economic Development Zone, and Tai'an High Agricultural Zone, the relevant responsible comrades of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, the District Bureau of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce for Machinery Manufacturing in Taishan District, the Mount Taishan Specialty Chamber of Commerce in Tai'an City, and the Chairman of the Tai'an Internet Merchants Association The Secretary General and all members of the Regional Council for the Promotion of International Trade attended the meeting.

2024 Mount Taishan District Overseas Hundred Exhibition Market Development Plan and Key Overseas Exhibition Mobilization Meeting Successfully Held

At the meeting, Wang Jing, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the Mount Taishan Council for the Promotion of International Trade, reported the effect of the 2023 Mount Taishan District foreign trade enterprises "group going to sea" exhibition, and introduced the overseas exhibition plan in 2024. Firstly, we will further consolidate the market for traditional domestic exhibition projects such as the Qingdao Summit, Canton Fair, and CIIE, and do a good job in mobilizing and organizing exhibitions such as Indonesia International Building Materials Exhibition, Russia Engineering Machinery Exhibition, Vietnam International Building Materials Decoration Expo, Queensland Mining Exhibition in Australia, and Philippine Building Materials and Engineering Machinery Exhibition, to help enterprises open up new market cooperation channels, stabilize foreign trade, and increase market share. The second is to vigorously explore emerging markets. Targeting emerging markets such as the Middle East, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, cultivating new growth points for foreign trade. Relying on cross-border e-commerce, market procurement and other new forms of foreign trade to speed up, we will attract "international buyers" into Mount Taishan District, build a platform for enterprises to expand overseas markets, pave the way for overseas enterprises to "come in" and empower enterprises to "go out". The third is to help enterprises implement international market and explore financial support policies. Provide support for provincial and municipal exhibitions and subsidies for key exhibitions, and coordinate the use of central special funds for foreign economic and trade development and provincial and municipal special funds.

2024 Mount Taishan District Overseas Hundred Exhibition Market Development Plan and Key Overseas Exhibition Mobilization Meeting Successfully Held

Dong Jun, Secretary General of Mount Taishan Chamber of Commerce for Machinery Manufacturing Industry and General Manager of Tai'an Luyue Modern Agricultural Equipment Co., Ltd., made a statement on behalf of overseas exhibitors in Mount Taishan District.

In his speech, Ni Derun, deputy head of Mount Taishan District Government, thanked entrepreneurs for their contributions to promoting high-quality development in Mount Taishan District, and made three comments on doing a good job of overseas exhibitions in 2024: first, recognize the situation. From the current trend, it is almost certain that the global economic growth rate will decline, and the medium to long-term growth momentum of the global economy is also clearly insufficient. Meanwhile, under the impact of non economic factors such as geopolitical conflicts and natural disasters, the global economic recovery will face greater pressure. From the perspective of the domestic situation, the current structural contradictions and cyclical factors in the domestic economy are superimposed, and the domestic circulation has not yet been opened up. Although the overall economy is showing signs of recovery, the driving effect of investment and consumption on the economy is clearly insufficient. It is difficult to continue stimulating economic growth through traditional resource input and simple expansion of demand. Foreign trade imports and exports have become the current way to promote economic growth.

The second is to provide practical services. Mount Taishan Council for the Promotion of International Trade should build an enterprise service platform to help enterprises understand the current situation of overseas economy and industrial policies, share information resources, and better provide services and support for enterprises to expand overseas markets. At the same time, we should fully leverage the role of bridges and links, and play a greater role in organizing trade and investment, visiting and inspecting, exploring business opportunities, receiving visitors, exchanging and negotiating, and providing business consulting. The district government will continue to steadfastly open channels, tap potential, and increase momentum for enterprises to accurately go global, helping them integrate into global supply chains, industrial chains, and value chains, and promoting healthy and rapid development of enterprises.

The third is to seize opportunities. The current domestic trade situation continues to be severe. In order to achieve healthy and rapid development of enterprises, it is necessary to expand channels, negotiate cooperation, and attract orders through overseas exhibitions. Overseas exhibitions are a channel and platform. I hope that the attending entrepreneurs can seize the opportunity of the "2024 Overseas Hundred Exhibitions", fully utilize the advantages of low-cost contact and efficient docking of "Overseas Exhibitions", meet face-to-face with foreign buyers, communicate efficiently with target audiences, promote the company's brand image and technological products, improve the company's visibility and product popularity, and also establish docking with industry leaders, Attract advanced products and concepts from abroad, deepen cooperation, and achieve win-win development.

2024 Mount Taishan District Overseas Hundred Exhibition Market Development Plan and Key Overseas Exhibition Mobilization Meeting Successfully Held

Hou Boling, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of CCPIT Mount Taishan Council, fully affirmed the achievements of Taishan District's outreach work in 2023. She pointed out that in the past year, Mount Taishan District's overseas group participation took the lead in the city, opened up a new track to promote the development of foreign capital and foreign trade, found a new way to speed up the "Tai'an manufacturing" to expand the international market, explored a new mode of "overseas participation", and initially formed the convergence effect of government, department services, and enterprise singing. After a year of exploration and experimentation, enterprises have benefited significantly, from venturing into the world on their own, to gathering together for warmth and increasing profits. In the new year, we will deepen the implementation of the overseas exhibition market development plan, continue to consolidate our advantages in overseas exhibitions, and explore new overseas exhibition markets. We hope that enterprises can understand the market situation and information well, and enter the state as soon as possible. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will provide services to help enterprises leverage the support policies of the central and provincial governments for "overseas exhibitions" to help them develop healthily and rapidly.

Liu Zhaodong, General Manager of Shandong Xinshili Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., focused on introducing the exhibition organization of international exhibitions with high attention and good exhibition results, such as the 2024 Russia Construction Machinery Exhibition (formerly BMW Exhibition) and the 2024 Indonesia Construction Machinery Exhibition.

2024 Mount Taishan District Overseas Hundred Exhibition Market Development Plan and Key Overseas Exhibition Mobilization Meeting Successfully Held

After the conference, the entrepreneurs participating in the conference were full of confidence and said they would take advantage of the "east wind" to be familiar with the good policies formulated by the central, provincial and urban areas involved in the 2024 overseas exhibition activities. They extensively participated in overseas exhibition activities, went out of the country to expand the market, tap the potential to grasp orders, and tried to show the golden brand "Made in Mount Taishan" on the international stage, so as to contribute to the construction of a new industrialized strong city and strong district for foreign trade enterprises.